Random things you should know, because you deserve to know.

Hello My Name is…

Hi my name is Tori, but not really, it’s just my nickname my friends used so much almost everyone but my mom calls me by. I’m a girl, I was born on May 12… blah blah blah. Now, in a moment, we’ll get into the parts I am actually intending to write about.

It’s guessing time! Okay, let’s get guessing. I like to read, I like math, I like digital stuff. Guess what. I am a complete total nerd with no athletic skills! *Evil Smilez* I’ll be posting stuff about the unfairness of nerds and athletes. Ya, I’ll be annoying!


I also like photography, I mean, can anyone think it’s not awesome? Seriously? OK, for some of you it’s boring, but when you’re just randomly taking photos it’s simple math (Yes I’m obsesed with Math, because I’m the only person who does well on it! SPECIAL ME)awesome


And finally, I like to blog, but the blogs I had before had about 0, zero, nothing, na-da, non followers. I’m just gonna have to give it a shot here!


Let’s have a look here… I’ll post about the blog next post!